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Show new changes starting from 21:09, 2 February 2025
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2 February 2025

     02:17  George Jefferson (Earth-1) diffhist +953 Pollylithium talk contribs
N    02:13  Count Dracula II (Earth-1) diffhist +1,505 Pollylithium talk contribs (Created page with "Count Dracula II, nicknamed Count, is an antihero affiliated with the Halloween Scream Team. He is a vampire and the son of the infamous Count Dracula. He was born with grappling hooks inside of his wrists, able to be launched and attached to other objects or people. He can also use these hooks to take blood from an opponent and turn them into vampires. He can also transform, though for a very short time, into a bat, able to fly. His bites also turn others into vampires...")

1 February 2025

N    20:03  George Jefferson (Earth-1) diffhist +1,564 Pollylithium talk contribs (Created page with "George Jefferson, known by his alter-ego Amerit, is a superhero affiliated with Americana. Though not a metahuman, he uses his super-suit to enhance his average human abilities. He is the founder of Americana, a superhero agency and extension of the United States military. His super-suit grants him superhuman agility and durability. He uses the suit to perform acrobatic tricks, as he himself is an old man who is not capable of such actions alone. His suit also has claw-...")