Multiverse-3: Difference between revisions

Created page with "Multiverse-3 is the third multiverse in the SENTEN megaverse. It has universes composed of superheroes who inhabit fictional galaxies and planets. This multiverse is the third multiverse that resulted from the megaversal blow. The star blew into a multiverse, which is a variety of universes. When the All was created from the heat from the megaverse, he made a megaversal shell and created the events for all the multiverses, including this one. The universes are all vari..."
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Multiverse-3 is the third multiverse in the SENTEN megaverse. It has universes composed of superheroes who inhabit fictional galaxies and planets.

This multiverse is the third multiverse that resulted from the megaversal blow. The star blew into a multiverse, which is a variety of universes. When the All was created from the heat from the megaverse, he made a megaversal shell and created the events for all the multiverses, including this one.
The universes are all variations of each other, with the prime universe being the most in-depth and realized universe among them all.
This multiverse has common repeated occurrences, the most common of which being the Cosminials, Membrain, and Black Paradigm.
This multiverse is considered the Cosmoverse, as the superheroes inhabiting this multiverse are mostly space-related, protecting the cosmos using their powers.