Daniel Dorian (Earth-1)

Revision as of 21:03, 24 February 2025 by Pollylithium (talk | contribs)
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Daniel Dorian, known by his alter-ego name Black Doom, is a superhero affiliated with the Punishers. He is not a metahuman, instead being an extremely intelligent inventor and innovator, creating various products for his company Doomtech, as well as X-Bot, N-Bot, the X-Army, and the N-Group. He is one of the co-founders of the Punishers.

Paraphernalia edit

He wields a pistol and a katana. In later comics, he also wears a suited jetpack, allowing him to fly. This jetpack improves technically across the series, along with his other gear. Black Doom also communicates with and controls his own X-Army and N-Group.

Appearance edit

He wears a metal spherical mask, encompassing his entire head. The only holes are large ovals across his eye area, allowing him to see and breathe. His helmet also has two rods on the side. With his identity being a secret, he wears this mask always, even to sleep and while showering. He also wears a black business suit, complete with a tie.

Basic information edit

While owning Doomtech and being a close father figure to his own robots, X-Bot and N-Bot, he has also accidentally caused many fatal failures. A rogue X-Armyman, who literally goes by Rogue, went berserk after finding out he was being treated as a slave before his artificial intelligence update. He then created a serum that turned Punishers member Mercutio into a villainous character, known as the Blue Merc. Despite this failure and many others, Black Doom swears to protect Tokyo, at any costs, even if it comes to risking his life.

Power grid edit

Power Grid
Section name Number Explanation
Intelligence 5 / genius In one lifetime, Dorian invented regenerating armor, two armies of war robots connected through satellite communication, infinite laser energy, infinite manufacturing of bullets, and a jetpack, among many other things.
Strength 2 / normal No explanation necessary.
Speed 2 / normal With his jetpack, he is slightly faster, but not superhuman.
Durability 2 / normal No explanation necessary.
Energy projection 1 / none No explanation necessary.
Fighting skills 5 / master of a single form of combat He taught himself professional boxing at a young age, and he uses that during combat.